Industrial Parks

Hastings Industrial Park - West
Location: Southwest edge of Hastings, Nebraska (view map)
Size: Up to 179 acres
Characteristics: Topography sloping
Present Use: Industrial and Farmland
Utility Service
Electricity: Hastings Utilities, 13.8 KV, 3 phase
Natural Gas: Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas
Water: Hastings Utilities 10"
Sewer: Hastings Utilities 10"
Railroads: Burlington Northern serves the site
Highways: U.S. Highways #6 & #34; I-80 - 16 Miles
Air Service: Commercial Airline - Grand Island 35 miles, Private planes- 6,600' & 4,500' runways.
Additional Information
Ownership: Hastings Economic Development Corp has an option on the 179 acres directly west of the industrial park.
Government: Outside the city limits for 10 years*
Hastings Economic Development Corporation
301 S Burlington
Hastings, NE 68901
Phone: (402) 461-8400
Fax: (402) 461-4400

Hastings Industrial Park - North
Location: North edge of Hastings on US Hwy #281 (view map)
Size: 71 acres
Characteristics: Topography rolling to flat
Present Use: Agriculture
Utility Service
Electricity: Hastings Utilities, 34.5 KV, 3 phase
Natural Gas: Hastings Utilities 4"main, 30 p.s.i
Water: Hastings Utilities 10" main, 60 p.s.i
Sewer: Hastings Utilities 10" main
Government: Outside the city limits reserved to industry
Railroads: Burlington Northern & Union Pacific Railroads serve Hastings
Highways: Site on US 281, 4 lane; I-80 - 12 Miles
Air Service: Commercial Airline - Grand Island 35 miles, Private planes- 6,600' & 4,500' runways.
Additional Information
Ownership: Hastings Economic Development Corporation
Hastings Economic Development Corporation
301 S Burlington
Hastings, NE 68901
Phone: (402) 461-8400
Fax: (402) 461-4400